
The Blahs

Things ground to a stand still around here lately.  Hubby had a cold for a week.  That means he slept or at least was in bed about 23 hours a day.  Never knew when he would get up or disappear again.  I have to kick start myself this time of year too.  Allergies are up but lethargy is worse.  Christmas can seem overwhelming or at least the trappings that go with it.  I'm a terrible present buyer--can never think of the right things to get.  I finally got busy and got the Christmas cards all addressed and signed.  Today I got the Christmas letter written.  It just doesn't seem right to send out cards with just a signature on them unless I see the people often but we have friends and relatives that we don't often get to see so I try to let them know what has been happening and hope they will do the same.  Of course, if they are reading the blog--they will already know.  My printer has been flaking out on me so may have to find a place to copy the letter.  I always add personal stuff to each one too so it takes time.  Worked on a little Christmas surprise for an RVing friend today too.  It will take a couple more days.  So I guess I am making a little progress.  Now on to those Christmas presents,  groan....

Maybe a few cheerful photos of the longdogs will help.

Willy knows there is something interesting out there because he can smell it.
 "See Harley, I told you I smelled something."

Poor little Carmeh over on 5C's Que Pasa isn't feeling well.  Get better quick Carmeh!


  1. Nothing brightens my day like looking at pictures of your fur gang.

  2. Just love the photos. I was about to email mails you to post some! Carmeh says thanks and she just might be on the mend! So far so good today.

  3. No more blahs....time for another post!!


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