The Longdogs

The Longdogs
Harley takes his role as navigator seriously!

Finally Some Christmas Decorations

Last night I started some Christmas baking with a batch of Butterscotch Oatmeal cookies, family favorites.  And today we managed to get some Christmas decorations up.  We are running behind this year at least on the decorating part.  The cards and letters all went out pretty early and I have most of the present shopping done BUT... Our Christmas company won't be arriving until Tuesday or Wednesday after Christmas so my DH was having trouble seeing why we needed to do any decorating.  I mean really--how could it be Christmas with no decorations.  I could scale down a lot if I was in the RV but I'm not so....  Neighbors on both sides of us have had lights twinkling for weeks.

I think the tree needs a little help--the lights are off in the middle.

And then there are the Santas...  The second from the left was a gift from my mother way back in 1970.  Then the next year we made the other 3.  Can you guess which one my DH decorated?  Two of them have pockets to put Christmas cards in.  I think the ceramic tree my mom made years ago would work in an RV.

And the stockings were hung by the chimney with care.....

And finally the Santas...  I cut back this year on decorations but it sure feels more like Christmas now that the trimming has been done.

I still have to talk him into putting the motorcycle riding Santa up outside in the yard, maybe tomorrow!


  1. So which one of the long dogs is on the hearth? :)

  2. Great looking decorations. Want to come and do ours? lol

  3. Love your doggies. We had a standard red when I was growing up. We got him when my sister was just a baby. She was 18 when he died. Fritzie was a great dog and I have a special place in my heart for the long dogs. Don't see the standards anymore.

  4. We have the same ceramic Christmas tree in our RV, we have carried it for 12 years now. It is just perfect.

  5. Oh cute! I want to see pics of the bike in the yard! Wow, I can finally comment. For now...Google has finally recognized me! For now...maybe...Merry Christmas!


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