
A Computer Work Day

We ran out of time working on Susan’s computer yesterday so she planned to come down to my house today while they finished up a few more things on her computer.  My friend Birdie called and said she was coming to town today so she planned to come over too.

Between my computer, Susan’s computer, and DH’s computer for Birdie to log onto, we set to work.  Birdie worked on finishing up a blog post from her Alaska trip.  I showed Susan how to make changes on her blog that she wanted and helped her set up a new one for her artwork.  Next we all took a look at Live Writer and got a few tips from each other. 

We headed out for a quick lunch and met Margareta at Schlotzkies.  Then it was back at the computers.
 Susan wanted to learn how to use Picasa so we got the program downloaded and ran her through the basics.  I also emailed her links to Geeks On Tour Picasa Tutorials.  Chris Guld does such a good job on these. You can also sign up for her email tips.  I know I have learned a lot from her easy to understand guidance.
So here we are after all the work is done.  The photo limited due to no other available photographers and I could only reach out so far.
  Winking smile

                                                        Birdie,      Margareta,        Susan,       Colleen

It was another great day spent with friends.


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