
Irish Eyes are Smiling in San Antonio

So......were you ready for St Paddy's Day? We were ready on Saturday and so was San Antonio! All dressed up and ready to stroll.

So where do you go for St Paddy's celebrations.....why the San Antonio Riverwalk of course. Celebrations start on Saturday and go through Monday which is perfect for us. Green, green, everywhere you look it's green!

We arrived in time to see them dyeing the river green. This is the barge doing the work. You can see the man's arm sticking out with a wand on the side of the barge...he is doing the dyeing. Don't worry, all the dye is natural and environmentally safe so no danger to fish or fowl.

As the water taxi's and sightseeing barges cruise by, they spread the color. The checkered flags on the back mean this is a taxi....there is also a sign on the front.

Lots of color here.

The color also gets pumped up and out through the water falls along the shore. can tell these ducks have little fear of humans. They built a nest in a temporarily empty flower bed right across from one of the busiest restaurants.

Now some people plan to celebrate with Irish beer.

This group has already started. You can tell that one of the women noticed Steve's green beard right away.

We went down to the Arneson River Theater to listen to the Irish music. There are grassed platforms across from the theater which had lots of spectators besides our little group.

 The dyeing barge came by shortly after.

The waterfall just past the theater was soon very colorful.

We walked through La Villita where there were lots of booths.

It's always fun to walk the Riverwalk. There are flowers everywhere even though they haven't done the spring planting yet.

Ah, St Paddy's Day in San Antonio. Irish eyes were shining here. Hope you enjoyed the day too.

1 comment:

  1. We love San Antonio. Would have really liked to experience St. paddy's day, there.


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