The Longdogs

The Longdogs
Harley takes his role as navigator seriously!

Heading Home

Thursday morning found the Traveling Longdogs and I headed back down the same direction as I traveled yesterday.

I had to take a few more wildflower shots along the way.

Through the rolling cattle land....

Then I headed down through the piney forest around Bastrop. There is still a lot of devastation from the big fire here that will take many years to erase but it burned erratically so there are lots of trees in between bare swaths of land.

It was a lovely drive through Texas in the spring. Home again, the 5th wheel is backed into the driveway until tomorrow when I will take it back to the storage yard until the next journey. We are already missing being on the road.


  1. I so enjoyed all the wonderful spots along this journey. Looking forward to the next with the long dogs.

  2. We were through that area shortly after the fires. What devastation. A group we volunteer with has been in that area for some time doing disaster relief.

  3. What a great time you ladies had and saw and did so much. With summer almost here I'm betting that fiver will be out again before too long.


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