The Longdogs

The Longdogs
Harley takes his role as navigator seriously!

2024-05-03 TRR Rally, Caprock Canyon State Park TX

We did lots of things together while we were rallying at Caprock Canyon State Park. Some of them just really deserved their own post. This post covers some of the other things we did at the rally.

Roses posing in front of Bob Wills and the Playboys actual tour bus.

Mug shot with a view of the canyon.

Binoculars and a park ranger were involved so I'm pretty sure this was a Birding presentation.

We had our own personal ranger presentation. She brought lots of items to show us from the park.

Everyone got a close up look at everything.

We also had music played by our very own chapter member, Lisa Litman.

We also had music from our park camphost. This lady is an 82 year old dynamo that works rings around all the younger staff.

A campfire and hot dogs were a fun event.

Did I mention that one night we had hail three times and had to hustle to the bathhouse twice for tornado warnings. One hit about 5 miles away. We had torrential rain and wind too but only one night. Some of the ladies had a new learning experience.....if a ranger drives through the campground with a siren going.....get yourself to cover immediately!

All in all, it was a great rally at a spectacular state park. 


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