Things were just getting a little too crazy around here. I needed to get started on our taxes but things were in total disarray. My DH took my DIL's reorganization of office supplies upstairs as his sign to rip the whole corner desk apart and get rid of it. Of course that left me in the dark about where all my considerable paperwork for taxes was actually located now. Saying I was upset is putting it mildly. Then he started in with getting rid of all kinds of other stuff from the house, garage, and storage building. His timing was bad to say the least and it was like he was going crazy. I was still waiting to see what the kids and grandkids plans were for Spring Break were because that was still up in the air too. There was no hope for getting a camping spot in Texas. I knew the Heart of Dixie RVing Women chapter was having a small rally in Louisiana. Miracle, there were still a couple spots open at the Louisiana State Park where they were meeting and I have several friends in the that group.
Enough, I got a ride out to pick up the RV from storage on Saturday and fled town on Sunday. Harley and I stopped frequently for breaks on the trip East. Only in Texas would you see someone walking their horse at a Rest Area. Going through Houston was a snap other than the delay we hit when they went from 4 lanes down to one miles ahead of where they were working on an overpass.

I stopped at a Walmart in Beaumont to pick up a few things since I left before shopping. The way in to the Walmart was fine but when I was leaving, I ended up at an exit with an overhead bar that did not have a height sign. There were cars behind me but I wasn't about to go under without knowing the height. I ended up sitting there letting cars go around me until I could back up enough to turn and go out another entrance. Had just one person offered to stop traffic long enough for me to back up 10 feet, we would all have gotten out of there faster and in less of a temper. Oh well. I decided that I definitely didn't want to stay there so we headed over to a Cracker Barrel which was closer to I-10 but much more friendly and spacious.
I think we are here Mom........
but what is that?????
Check in at the park was easy although I had to back up far enough for the big motorhome in front of me to back up and go in the other entrance because the barricade next to the building was stuck and wouldn't move. We found our site easily enough and got backed in. I could see my friend Carolyn's trailer and truck just down the road. She was out next to the road talking to one of the other ladies arriving for the rally. She did a triple take when she saw me waving to her as I didn't tell anyone I was coming.
Carolyn and Martha were the hosts for the rally so we set up to visit in her very spacious site. There was plenty of room for distancing and lots of sanitizer available.
Sugar was letting Martha know that she really wanted to go for a walk!
The next day, several of the ladies decided to head over to Broussard to check out the flat chickens at Hebert's (pronounced A-Bears).
Okay, I didn't know what a flat chicken was either but Hebert's debones them and stuffs them with about 5 or 6 different stuffing choices. Not inexpensive but unique and easy to slice when cooked.
Palmetto Island State Park is a very nice park. They have a sign at the check-in warning you to not leave any food out because of bears. Well, nary a bear was to be seen but there were wild hogs. This one is much smaller than the one I saw between my RV and my neighbors the first day. That one just stood there and starred at me but I already had Harley in my arms. This one wandered between Carolyn and Mary's RVs a couple of days later. Irene's dog got loose out the door and chased it into the palmettos. I grabbed a hot dog off the grill and we managed to lure the dog back.
One of the ladies drove down from Tennessee to attend her first rally. She was in a tent but fortunately, she had no trouble with the wild hogs as she always put her food back in the car and never left her dog alone in the tent. It was a very relaxing rally with a lot of visiting.
We had campfires several nights. Days were warm and nights were cool.
SkyMed came and gave a presentation on their services. The presenter offered to furnish ice cream, donuts, pizza, or a check to the chapter for $100 in exchange for being allowed to give the presentation. Mary wisely snapped up the $100 check which was used to.....
take everyone out to dinner at Richard's Seafood Patio. Masks were removed for the photo and while we were eating.
Mary told the waitress that we were going to order a selection of food for the whole group to try, everyone would pay for their own drinks, and we might each order something more after that. Then she got out her calculator and ordered crawfish, shrimp, onion rings, hush puppies, fried okra, and a couple other things for the group. Crawfish raised by the restaurant were $10/pound but huge. Carolyn said when she was young, her Dad would order a huge burlap bag of crawfish for 10cents a pound.
I snapped this photo of some "professional" crawfish eaters wearing gloves to peel their dinner.
Carolyn was demonstrating the proper way to get the meat out of the crawfish to a lady who joined the rally on her way from California to the east coast.
Yours truly did not participate in the crawfish or shrimp because I just can't handle the spice. They are so spicy hot. In Cajun country, they put Tony's seasoning on everything and it will burn your throat all the way down to your stomach.
This is a selection of the spices that the natives use to make a dip for the crawfish and shrimp. The only item that goes in it that is not super spicy is the mayonnaise.
The next day, several of us decided to take a tour of the park. They have a splashpad, playground, and numerous trails. This one is pretty short right by the splashpad and playground.
It is mostly boardwalk which is nice. There were also some displays but it wasn't the right time of year for the flowers.
One of several ponds and yes, there are gators in there.
Two of the ladies rented a cabin so we got to take a tour. I thought $150/night was a little high but it was really a house with two bedrooms (queen bed in one and two sets of bunks in the other), a living room with a fireplace and sleeper sofa and a really nice kitchen with full-size appliances including a dishwasher. So the place sleeps 8 People. There is also a screened in porch and a barbeque grill.
The night after the crawfish outing, Mary made crab chowder and put in the leftover shrimp. She was super thoughtful and left the Tony's seasoning on the side instead of putting it in. It was delicious.
We had a grill night too. In addition to the hot dogs and grilled asparagus, there were also hamburgers and veggie burgers.
Martha had to leave on Thursday morning as she was on her way to another rally that day. Her son brought her car out so Carolyn and I volunteered to drive it home following her motorhome. Then she drove us back to the car. She only lives a few miles away from the park. We had to stop so Carolyn could take some pictures of a very old cemetery. There was also a little church but I don't think it was in regular use. In case you have never seen a Louisiana cemetery, the graves are all above ground due to the water levels.
The next afternoon, Carolyn and I headed east to her house in Butte LaRose. We had a relaxing dinner and I left to return home. Saturday night, Harley and I boondocked at a Safety Rest Area. Hint, if you can, grab the first site, and, if you are lucky, a big RV will pull in next to you. The trucks will usually go further down the line so it's a little quieter.
We arrived home on Sunday so I got to spend some time with my granddaughter before she headed back to Brownwood. The grandson didn't come for Spring Break. The pull of the girlfriend was too much. Only a couple of weeks before I get to go again.