The Longdogs

The Longdogs
Harley takes his role as navigator seriously!

2020-10-31 Halloween Fun

Halloween rolls around again. Who knows what it will be like with the pandemic in full swing. It seems like our neighborhood has more events going on now than they have ever had. A lot of people said that they would be taking their kids trick or treating so we bought candy not knowing how much we would need. In the meantime, the grandkids and kids were going to neighbors to hand out candy in their neighborhood. They came over to get a little help with their "costumes". DH is a pretty good artist when he chooses to be. He painted pumpkins for all his favorite motorcycle shops. Now he's painting Cameron.

Cam told him what he wanted and he did his best to accomdate.

Pretty scary!

Next up, our daughter-in-law Helen. Shhe loves this kind of thing.

Hard to believe this is our sweet funny Helen, isn't it?

Here they are ready to head home and put the rest of the costume on. Boooooo!
Harley sat on the porch with me for a while but got too excited at seeing all the kids. so he came in for a nap. I set up treats on each of the blocks around the flower bed in front so each child could pick up their own treat without touching anything else.

Happy Halloween!

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