The Longdogs

The Longdogs
Harley takes his role as navigator seriously!

4-23-2023 TRR Junction TX Rally

 I headed towards Junction Texas on Wednesday for a rally with the Texas Ramblin' Roses. It rained off and on but not hard most of the way up through Kerrville Texas. There is a big change in the terrain between Kerrville and Junction with several steep hills up and down. There are also signs indicating gusty winds. that means intermittent not steady but I had no problems because I was prepared having traveled this way many times. Once through there the skies were clear and sunny.

I arrived at Tree Cabins RV Resort and got all set up. 

When I hooked up my water hose, I got a drip in spite of really tight connections. When I touched the actual water connection on the RV, there was water squirting everywhere and it wasn't coming from the hose connection. I quickly shut thigs down when I realized that the leak was coming from thepart in the RV so I unhooked and ran my hose around to the other side of the motorhome where I have an old fashioned fill opening. I filled my fresh water tank and was all set for the duration.

Tree Cabins RV Resort is located on Lake Junction which as a widen area of the Llano River. This is our second rally at this park. We were there first rally ever last year so we showed them the ropes.

It's a smaller park but nice. Some shades ties, some open, some pull through's, some backins. they have a nice bathhouse and some very nice cabins as well as a rally hall.

We always do rig inductions for any new or new to RVer RVs at our rallies. It's like a ship christening. Mary Ann wields the water blaster with aplomb.

We also had a ranger from south Llano State Park come to talk to us about the park and the 100 year Texas state parks anniversary.

We took on a special project for this rally which was to make some squares for a quilt to celebrate the anniversary. I did the brown on on Goliad State Park. The park will put all the squares from us and others together as a quilt and it will be displayed. Neat project. We also donated to bird projects at the park.

Of course, we also had a potluck with chili furnished by the hosts and some others.

Games are always a fun rally pastime. Rummikub, Farkle, and Samba are popular. Samba requires way too many cards for me but I like the others.

two of our members are talented guitarists and singer so a sing-a-long concert popped up one night down at the pavilion and again the next night up at the rally room.

Dedicated game players are not stopped by darkness moving in.

One event we don't have at every rally is a farewell cake and presentation for our 90+ year old chapter member Joyce. She is heading out soon in her Phoenix Cruiser for her place in New York and we will miss her at our rallies.

Oh, and I forgot to even mention the two really exciting events. Wednesday night, one of the ladies alarm systems went off.......4 separate times. I usually close my windows and blinds and run the A/C but that night it was so nice out that I left everything open. Yikes! Funniest thing was that the lady with the alarming truck had her windows closed, her A/C on, and her hearing aides out.....she never even heard the alarms, lol.

Second less than fun thing was the storm on Saturday night that was accompanied by thunder, loads of lightning, and even some hail. Fortunately, no damage was sustained by anyone.

All in all, it was a great rally. We ate out a couple of times and visited South Llano state Park. There is another post coming on the park.

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