The Longdogs

The Longdogs
Harley takes his role as navigator seriously!

2024-7/8 July-August Happenings

 Steve and Helen were off to Canada for June and July. They enjoyed a bit of camping going and coming. Morgan had her first tasted of living alone. She ate lots of meals with us and called very frequently to go someplace. too many games of Monopoly were played as grandpa thinks it's the only game worth playing and he is cutthroat.

Hiking in Canada with cousin's dog and angus.

Dave had a birthday.

Harley had a 16th birthday!

His version of "cake".

More camping on their way home.

Helen had a birthday while they werre gone so we celebrated when they came home.

No RV trip in July. On to August and a trip to Ruidoso NM.

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