The Longdogs

The Longdogs
Harley takes his role as navigator seriously!

Christmas....A Second Time Around

Helen had a major triathlon workout on Saturday so I got to be the ride-along to pick up the grandkids. We left at 7:45AM so Helen was already out biking and DH was sound asleep. After a stop at Starbucks to get a quick pick-me-up, we were off on the backroads to Marble Falls which is the meet-up point.  I never mind riding along as Steve and I have a great chance to chat so the time passes quickly.  We stopped for another coffee in Marble Falls as we sometimes have a rather lengthy wait but the ex was only 20 minutes late this time so we were off.  DH met us at Steve's and Helen had everything ready there so we had another Christmas "morning".  Somehow I missed the tree and all the decorations but they are pretty.

And then the "piece d resistance", new bicycles.  This was so funny because the bikes were sitting behind the dining room table, not in plain sight but not really hidden either.  Morgan walked by and around then quite a few times without saying a word.  Hmmmm, we still aren't sure whether she was blind or just trying to be diplomatic....she isn't saying.

Steve had an unexpected and nice surprise because, for the first time ever, someone on the other end helped the kids buy him a present. Thanks Dan, it meant a lot.

DH and I headed home so that kids and grandkids could head out for a bike ride.  Later on, everybody came back to our house where the kids opened some more presents.  Unfortunately, I didn't do very well on pictures of that but they had a lot of fun and got a little help from the traveling longdogs.  We grilled some steaks (Cameron's favorite meal) for dinner.  Later on, we played many games of LCR (Left, Right, Center).  This is a really great game for a group of matter what their age.  It's easy, keeps everyone's attention, and is lots of fun.

The day was lots of fun and ended with a beautiful rainbow which appeared right behind our house!

It was a great Christmas, no matter which day you look at.

1 comment:

  1. You got pictures of those great smiles and those are better than any tree. I bet the long dogs had as much fun as the kids with all the paper to play with. Too funny about the bikes. Too many other things happening to pay any attention.


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