The Longdogs

The Longdogs
Harley takes his role as navigator seriously!

Hello from Panama City

Don't have anything great to post about just yet.  The kids are off at Disney World this week which is a good thing because I've been sick since they left on Sunday.  Good thing I had not planned on going with them.  Sunday and Monday left me feeling pretty bad but I felt a little better when I went to bed Monday night and woke up this morning feeling back to normal.  Took the dogs for a couple of walks to make up for the last two days when they were very good.


  1. Sure hope you're feeling much better soon. The pups appreciate the walks but understand if you don't feel up to it. As long as they can snuggle.

  2. Sorry to hear you had it rough.

    That header picture makes me smile every time.

  3. Thanks for the kind thoughts. I am feeling just fine tonight so I'll have to find some mischief to get into tomorrow. Now that Harley is a "big boy", he wants a new header photo with him in the front line up too!

  4. I'm glad you're feeling better! It's no fun when we're sick, thank goodness you didn't go to Disneyland. That would have been miserable!

  5. Glad to hear you are feeling better. The fur kids seem to understand when you aren't well but they sure do like those walks when they get them.

  6. Alright already...where's the new pic? Was glad to hear you are up to making trouble! Let's see some pics soon.


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