The Longdogs

The Longdogs
Harley takes his role as navigator seriously!

Live Writer Test Post

Here goes nothing.  I’ve had an on again, off again “affair with Live Writer.  By that I mean that it worked and then it didn’t work and gave me that dreaded 403 error.  Then all of a sudden it worked again…and then not.  The definition for the 403 error is so generalized that it really didn’t help at all.  But in the back of my mind I remember Rick Doyle of writing about a 403 error so I did a bunch of searching on his site.  Sure enough I found it and his problem was a lack of room for more photos on his Picasa Web Albums.  I did the same check he did and discovered I had that problem too. The one time Live Writer worked in between was when I didn’t include a photo!  His solution for Paulette at that time was to buy more space but again, I remembered some other posts from his blog about Google+.

So off to research again.  I signed up for Google+ and I think I understand how the photos work with Picasa.  I’ll have to admit that filling in the profile is a tad confusing since I already have a Google profile for my blog.  Every time you click on one of the explanations, it sends you off somewhere else and leaves you wondering how to get back or if you are finished.  Oh, well—this too shall pass.  All I want right now is the photo space but, who knows, I might decide to utilize some of the rest later on.   So here goes…..
Harley and Gretchen have a little together time.

Do you think Harley looks a little guilty or maybe he is just planning to jump in your lap?
Willy is ignoring him.

Okay Mom.  I’m ready to head out on an adventure anytime you can pull it together!

Let’s get this show on the road!  Harley, Gretchen, and Willy are posed to head out.
Willy is checking the wind.

All three of the traveling longdogs are sun lovers.  They hunt it down inside or outside and then it is naptime.

NOTE:  Success!  You CAN teach an old dog new tricks! (NOTE added after publishing to draft from Live Writer)


  1. Looks pretty good to me. I don't think I can use Live Writer with a Mac, but I don't mind typing it directly into blogger.

    1. Gypsy, I don't have any problems with Blogger. I think it may be easier than Live Writer but that could be just because I am more used to it. I wanted Live Writer because it is on your computer so you can write your blogs even when you don't have Internet. Then you just post as soon as you have Internet.

  2. Your "long dogs" are adorable. My brother-in-law had a miniature dachshund, and he loved that dog with all his heart. He had a great personality and used to keep us laughing.

    I'm always kvetching about blogger, but in reality the problems are small--especially since Rick (our guru) showed me how to back up in the new format.

    I enjoy your blog.

    1. Thanks Jack. Dachshunds have very definite personalities and aren't afraid to show them. lol. Willy is the couch potato who thinks he is numero uno. Harley is our little clown who occasionally lets Willy know that he isn't numero uno. Gretchen is the princess and likes everyone to know it. She lets both boys know who is really numero uno.

      Rick Doyle is definitely great at providing easy to understand directions and insight into some of these programs.

  3. I actually prefer Blogger's interface. . .but Live Writer loads pics SO much faster. that is what I use!

    I also purchased extra storage on Web Albums. . .just so I don't have to think about it. . .

    Good job,


    1. Ah, but Google+ gives it to you basically free based on the size it loads your pictures. I still have to figure out how to get to the Picasa Web and Google+ albums from Live Writer.

  4. Even after 1000 posts with photos mostly written on Live Writer I never had any problem. Now that I've moved to WordPress I still use Live Writer but I do have to format in a draft before publishing.

    Growing up with a dachshund I really like all three of yours but Harley has stolen my heart.

  5. I too use Live Writer, I just like the way I can just pop those pictures into my blog on the computer and then publish whenever I can.

  6. Love the fur baby photos....more please!

    As to Google and all those profiles....just get me a glass of wine.

  7. Glad you got that figured out. You will get the rest done before long...then you can give me lessons. I am missing those puppers!! Give em a hug for me and pitch a ball or two for Harley.


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