After we checked out the Big Tree in Goose Island State Park, we headed back toward Rockport. Goose Island State Park is open but only one of the campgrounds is in use. The one right along the beach is closed as is the big fishing pier thanks to Hurricane Harvey. Our destination was
Paradise Key Dockside Bar and Grill. Two of our group didn't go to the Big Tree so they were waiting for us at the restaurant. Even though it was quite warm and humid (and buggy), we sat out on the covered patio where the fans and breeze off the water kept us cool enough and the mosquitoes away.
The food was great and so was the service. The restaurant has a very nice atmosphere.

My success with selfies is definitely not on a par with many others but this is looking out at the bay.
Back at the resort, we had happy hour, potluck leftovers, and then played our own version of Bingo (everyone wins). Sorry but I didn't get any pictures. The resort activities director Jan and our own Carolyn Patin coerced us into karaoke.
Believe me when I say that everyone should be grateful I am just posting the picture rather than the video version.
Hey now...I am thinking of coming out of retirement to establish a singing career.