The Longdogs

The Longdogs
Harley takes his role as navigator seriously!

On the Road Again--almost

The RV has been in the driveway since yesterday and excitement is building.  I'm going to be on the road again, at least for 2 weeks.  DH is working this weekend so the plan was to leave Monday if he wanted to travel along.  He really wasn't enthused about it so I'm heading out today.  Rather travel solo with the longdogs than haul along a wet blanket who would rather be sitting at home.  The dogs ran out and tried to get in the truck the minute I opened the door yesterday, Harley made it into the 5th wheel and was disappointed to get hauled back in the house.  They have had baths this morning.  The laundry will be done in an hour.  Let the packing commence!  Initial stopping point was going to be lake Nocona to visit some old friends who retired there.  Called them last night and they were up in Arkansas so that won't be a stop this time.  Oh, well, plans made in jello.  I am heading to Wichita Falls to visit friends and former co-workers as well as to attend the dedication of a conference room at the 82 CONS where I used to work.  The room is being dedicated to a former co-worker who passed away suddenly and never got the chance to retire.  Stay tuned.


  1. So Harley doesn't travel as well as the longies? Poor Harley. Too bad hubs doesn't share his enthusiasm!

  2. Oh wait, Harley is a longdog, too? I thought he might be beagley.

  3. I admire you for hitting the road with the kids. I honestly don't know if I could do it solo.

  4. You are woman! Here you roar! :)

    I can't believe it! My word verification was
    POOPAHOY! I, of course, thought of the long dogs...


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