The Longdogs

The Longdogs
Harley takes his role as navigator seriously!

A Harley Bunny?

The next event was a trip to Cowboy's Alamo City Harley-Davidson.  DH told us that he saw a poster saying that the Easter Bunny would be there.  So, of course, we had to find out.

Well, we were haven't much luck when we first arrived.  This was the only bunny we could find.  But we saw a sign saying they had Easter eggs.  Turned out they were at the cash register and came with a little paper with a %-off coupon.

Just when we thought all was lost and we were ready to give up and leave, a customer told us they were gathering for an Easter Egg hunt outside!  Okay guys, can you see the Harley bunnies?  They even had cotton tails!  All the kids lined up and off they went around the building to a little area on the side.

There were lots of eggs but they were doing a hunt every hour so they asked the kids to each pick up only 10 eggs which was just fine.  The fun is in the hunt anyway and they had some nice little bags of candy in each egg.

Cameron carefully checked his pile of eggs and then he put two eggs back out for the next hunter.

Morgan did the same thing.  The blue egg on the left was one of Cameron's so she was right at 10 and a very happy hunter.

Thanks Alamo Harley-Davidson for doing this for the kids.  They had a great time.  Our next stop was Barnes and Noble for some coffee and relaxation checking out some books.  The kids enjoy this as much as we do.  They have a great kids area.

1 comment:

  1. Seems like you had a fun filled Easter with the kids. Glad your son was feeling well enough to join in.


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