Steve had a flyer for a motorcycle run at Ladybird Johnson Park that sounded like fun. The question was, where exactly was Ladybird Johnson Park. We were most familiar with Ladybird Johnson Park in Fredericksburg as we have stayed in the RV park there many times. Steve knew there was also a Ladybird Johnson Park in Austin. So, Google to the rescue. I found the event online and surprise, there is also a Ladybird Johnson Park in San Antonio. Sunday morning we set out to find it and it wasn't far at all. San Antonio has a lot of parks.
This event was hosted by Operation Comfort and My Father's House Church and featured a 5k Run/Walk, Motorcycle ride, and a Classic Car Show. Proceeds go to support Operation - a benefit for Vietnam Veterans.
The motorcycle riders and the runners were out when we arrived so we took in the car show.
It was an eclectic event with cars from the local area as well as some distance away in Texas. Steve, Helen, and each of the kids were invited to sit in this truck and have their picture taken although I don't have those.
Steve had lots of questions and met lots of the owners.
The runners just sort of appeared as there didn't seem to be a big finish area probably because it was a 5k. But the motorcycles all came in as a group.
All in all, it was a nice way to spend a morning and we plan to go back and check out the rest of the Ladybird Johnson Park another day when we can get to it.
Fun way to spend a day. Doesn't look particularly crowded.