The Longdogs

The Longdogs
Harley takes his role as navigator seriously!

2024-05-10 TRR Rockport TX Rally

 Off to another rally at one of my favorite places in Rockport Texas. I've hosted quite a few rallies at Wilderness Oaks RV Park for two different rving groups and we always have a great time. 

We started the rally off on Monday afternoon at 4:00 PM with a big selection of cheeses and crackers put on by Jimmie Andrews, my co-host. After we all discussed what we wanted to do this week, most of us took off to The Shack Smokehouse Seafood for dinner.

We had about 13 members and 3 guests but it was one of those events were members came and went during the week. Since some members have been here several times while it was a first time for others, we often broke into small groups to do our sightseeing.

Some of us went to Goose Island State Park and the Big Tree.

The Fulton Mansion was a "must do" for several members who had never been there before. This house was so far ahead of it's time when it was built with running water to an upstairs bath and toilet.

Others had an interesting trip to the Maritime Museum. 

The pool at the park was very popular for cooling off. It's a salt water pool although we did smell some chlorine when we first arrived. when we checked with the office, they told us that they had to shock the pool with chlorine for a couple of days due to heavy humidity which turned the water slightly green.

Elaine brought along her propane firepit so one evening we all gathered around to roast hot dogs which were accompanied by chips and baked beans.

Most of us managed a stop by the Rookery park after Jimmie told us about it. We saw Great Blue Herons and Great Egrets. It was pretty amazing. There is a huge colony here.

We have passed by this pile of oyster shells year after year and the size fluctuates. There was a sign showing that the shells were for sale. The business shucks oysters for people.

This weekend was a busy one for the Rockport-Fulton area. There was a huge Market Day in Rockport which many of us visited.

An then, the biggest event of all, the Babes on the Bay Fishing tournament.

This was the 25th annual Babes on the Bay tournament. There were 200 teams with anywhere from 1 to 4 women on each team, that's a lot of women! and our own Jimmie Andrews was in on the fun! this is the official team shirt.

She was in the tournament, and this was not her booth, lol.

We had dinner at Panjo's Pizza one night. It was great and popular dinner place with most of the group.
Another huge favorite was the Sausage gravy and Biscuits breakfast prepared by Elaine. It was delicious. She even made a couple gluten free biscuits for one of the guests.

Downtown Rockport is always a fun visit.

You can't see Rockport without seeing boats.

I almost forgot that one night we all gathered at my site to grill our dinners and then moved into the rally room to eat. We also played a lot of Mexican Train and Rummikub during the week.

Everyone wants to have their fill of seafood while here so we met at Paradise Key for lunch on Saturday. We saw so many boat trailers parked everywhere while the contestants were busy with Babes on the Bay. A few motored into Paradise Key and tied up for lunch.

All in all, it was a good rally and everyone left with plans to attend their next rally on their minds.

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