The Longdogs

The Longdogs
Harley takes his role as navigator seriously!

2024-6-7 Brady Texas

 Early in June I headed northwest to Brady Texas for a Texas Ramblin' Roses Rally. The visit is broken into a number of different posts. This post is about some point to see about Brady. as with most small Texas towns, there is a magnificent courthouse in a square. This is not it. This is the Heart of Texas Museum.

This is the Brady courthouse.

Brady is known as the center of Texas but the center point is actually north of Brady in the middle of nowhere. There was actually a fight between Brady and Brownwood over who could claim the center point but Brady was closer to the actual point. There is a small park not far from the marker where there are picnic tables and an observation tower. From the observation tower you can see the actual center point which is on private land. Surveyors confirmed the actual center point which is marked by a small stone marker on the private land.

An interesting place to visit on the square is D and Js. You never know what you will find. It's a store but seems more like a museum. There are actually a couple more D and Js stores in town but this is the only one we visited.

There is so much going on in this scene. Look very closely. Dental equipment in front, woman with her mouth wide open, doctor at the end of the table with a baby being born.

Doll heads.

Caskets, chairs, and artwork.

There so many unique, unusual, and bizarre things to see in this place. These are just a few of the sites we took in one afternoon while we were in Brady. We also visited the park and campground at Brady Lake. A couple friends stayed out there. Others went out to swim and kayak.

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