The Longdogs

The Longdogs
Harley takes his role as navigator seriously!

2023-02-12 Presidio la Bahia

It's just a very short drive from Goliad State Park to Presidio la Bahia. It's an impressive structure.

Manuel Becerra was important to colonization of this area. He was chosen to accompany Steven F. Austin to find a site for his first colony. 

The presidio was built to provide security for the nearby mission and represented the government's authority.

This area was ideal for raising cattle.

Spain was under seige at home and abroad from the French which led to a desire for independence in the new world.

Mexico initially welcomed colonists to the area that was Texas but disagreements became more frequent.

The Alamo immediately springs to mind when you think of Texas but Goliad was equally important.

There are many stories about the Angel Of Goliad and exactly what her part was in saving Texans from the Mexican army. Remember this when you see an upcoming post about the Angel.

On to a tour of the restored fort.

Each corner of the fort had a ramp leading up to an area where soldiers could see approaching troops and fire on them.

This is the chapel.

A lot of effort was put into restoring the presidio. They did a great job.


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