The Longdogs

The Longdogs
Harley takes his role as navigator seriously!

2024-8-17 Winfield Park, Ruidoso Downs NM

Another drive through town on the way to Walmart led us to Winfield Park in Ruidoso Downs which is right next to Ruidoso and is where the Racetrack is located. Due to the fires around Ruidoso and to the floods which followed, the racehorses were evacuated and won't be back until the damage is repaired. Driving down the highway, you can't miss these beautiful iron statues. They are huge and so magnificently done.

Each horse has a metal plaque telling about the particular breed.

These two particular statues appeared to defy gravity with only one or two feet attached to the grouund.

This view shows it even more clearly.

We also found this plaque which looked like it was an actual grave. If you liked western movies, you will know this actor. There was also a museum here. The Hubbard Museum of the American West, a Smithsonian Affiliate, is one of the most respected museums in the southwest region, and home to an extensive collection of magnificent carriages, wagons, saddles, firearms and Indian artifacts as well as changing traveling exhibits. Unfortunately for us, it was closed for remodeling but it is something to look forward to on a future trip.

 On to the wild horses of Ruidoso!

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