The Longdogs

The Longdogs
Harley takes his role as navigator seriously!

2024-8-22 The Road to Alamogordo NM

 Heading towards Alamogordo from Ruidoso, we stopped at St Joseph Apache Mission church based on recommendations from friends. It was definitely worth the stop. 

The mission build was started in 1920 by Father Albert Braun and several volunteers after the design was provided by noted architect Willam Stanton. Tony Leyva was the stonemason who volunteered his service. All material is native to the area. The building was considered complete in 1939. The windows were boarded up for years due to lack of fund. The present windows were designed for the building and installed in 1961. The building is designed in the shape of a cross.

The artwork is uniquely Apache.

There was a huge controversy when the Apache Christ Icon and other art work was secretly removed by the Parish Pastor, Members of the Knights of Columbus, and the Roman Catholic Dioceses of Los Cruces. After significant efforts, it was finally returned. You can read about it on the mission website.

Father Braun is buried inside the church.

The scenery leaving the area where the church is located is significantly different than Ruidoso.

We stopped for a quick tour of Tularosa.

Then the final stop at McGinn's Pistachioland. It was quite hot so we didn't take the tour of the trees. they have an extensive store. And an ice cream stand where you can get Blue Bell ice cream or their own pistachio ice cream.

One more scenic overlook stop.

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