The Longdogs

The Longdogs
Harley takes his role as navigator seriously!

2024-8-18 The Wild Horses of Ruidoso NM

 Ruidoso is home to several herds of wild horses. My husband and son have made many motorcycle trips to Ruidoso and never seen the horses but we were fortunate enough to see them several times while we were out and about. 

You can see several people in the background who were playing disc golf in the park when the horses browsed through. They cross right through the main street of Ruidoso so beware if you travel there.

The horses all appeared to be in good shape in spite of fires and floods in the area. They were beautiful and it was a thrill to see them.

We saw this little band of three another day just trotting through a neighborhood.

We were so thrilled to see the horses several was a highlight of our trip. Alto is supposed to be a good place to see the horses but we never had any luck there in spite of many wild horse signs. Another spot to see them is the road to the ski area but it was closed while we were there due to fire damage in that area.

1 comment:

  1. For me, the wildlife is the one thing that makes my adventures perfect.


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