The Longdogs

The Longdogs
Harley takes his role as navigator seriously!

2024-8-23 Around Town and Wildlife in Ruidoso NM

 Here we are back here touring around in Ruidoso. lots of color on the shops down town.

We saw this unique building off of Hwy 70 West. It leads into a neighborhood but this part is actually storage units. Creative reuse from whatever it was originally but still pretty eyecatching..

Looking down from a neighborhood road. They have some pretty steep roads and driveways.

This is Grindstone Lake where you could swim, hike around the lake, see eagles if you are incredibly lucky, and there is a riding stable. There a few campspots but the road was very steep and currently blocked off.

Back downtown, Roswell isn't the only New Mexico town that embraces aliens from outer space.

This looks more like Yogi Bear than Smokey the Bear but then Smokey is in Capistan.

Ruidoso embraces it's reputation as a fun town.

Yes, this is one of those stores. Mary Jane, weed, pot, whatever you want to call it is very popular here. We were told that the taxes from sales have done wonders for the roads but you couldn't prove it by me as we ran into potholes everywhere. If you are looking to see where "Pepi le Peau" is when you think you smell him, it might just be your neighbor lighting up.

Couldn't resist including the wild horses again. They just appear.

We were not fortunate to see the big herd of elk cruising through town but we did run into this group of moms and calves strolling in a neighborhood.

They cross the road right in downtown Ruidoso so you have to keep your eyes open.

Ran into Big Foot in the same neighborhood.

Couldn't resist a photo of this very colorful display of items for sale.

Ran across this old mill right on the main road too but didn't see any more info about it.

It's fun just driving around to see what you can see.

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