Harley and I arrived at Bastrop State Park in the afternoon on Thursday. I originally made a reservation for Friday night but decided to go a day early. I contacted the reservation office to add the day and had to take a different site for Thursday as someone had already reserved my first site. I asked about the 2d day discount on my state park pass. The woman on the pone tried really hard to fix it but the system wouldn't let her. She told me that they could do it at the park when I checked in but she was going to message her supervisor about the problem. When I arrived at the park, the ranger who was obviously new did her best to help me. First she found a site that would allow me to stay in one spot and told me to go and look at it. I did and it was not workable. I'll explain why a little further along. I told her I could easily move my motorhome. Then I asked about the 2d night discount. She was all set to do it when another ranger chit-chatting in the back came rushing out and told her she couldn't do it because both nights had to be in the same spot. There is nothing anywhere in the rules that I could find that says you must be in the same spot. The unhelpful ranger went back to visiting with her coworker in the back and I headed off to my first site.

These sites are all full hookup with little shade. There was a big fire a number of years ago that roared through this whole area. They managed to save all the CCC buildings but lost many trees and many locals lost their homes.
This was my first site. I was just barely able to get my RV level enough for the fridge to work without damage. While travel trailers can level by raising/lowering the tongue quite a bit, motorhomes can lift the front quite a bit with their levelers but not much at the back because you do not want to lift the back tires.
Herein lies the problem. all the pull-through sites on the right slope down at the front significantly. The ones on the left slope down at the back significantly. That doesn't work well for motorhomes unless you also haul a bunch of blocks to manually level. It would be helpful if the sites made this info clear.
I moved my RV around the corner to the seconnd site the next day at noon right after the previous occupants moved out. It worked out as I just moved the car after I was set up. This site was more level and I was able to hook up my car before I left right there on the site. Interesting enough, the folks that reserved my first site had not arrived when I took Harley out at 10PM nor were they in the site at 8:30AM the next morning. I suspect they never came.
I toured the park the first afternoon. There was a nice playground.
This was a headquarters for the rangers.
There is no lake or river at Bastrop but they have a beautiful pool. It should have opened several weeks ago as it has been very hot in May; however, when I asked, I was told that they haven't been able to get lifeguards. I saw a sign on the door offering $12/hour plus training. That's a hard sell when fast food places are paying $15/hour.
This was a pavilion.
This was a big facility that the park rents out. I think it was a dining hall. Someone came into to the ranger's office to check it out for an upcoming wedding.
This is the electric/water section. Had I known about the problems (unlevel, very little shade) with the full hookup sites, I would definitely have stayed here instead. If I go back this is where I will reserve as the sites are level and well shaded! Back-in is no problem.
It was quiet and much cooler in this area.
There is a road between Bastrop State Park and Buescher State Park. It's 12 miles long and apparently very popular with bicyclists and runners but it is very hilly so be aware.
This tells all about the devastating fire a few years ago.
A lookout pavilion at the scenic overlook area.
The view is pretty big.
It's a long windy hilly road to Buescher.
The devastation is still visible years later.
A few trees survived the raging fire.
When you arrive a Buescher on this road, there is no ranger station or place to check in.
There are some nice CCC buildings here too.
Buescher is a very small park. There were a few people camping there but not many. Normally there is a small lake which would be a big draw but the lake is empty because they are rebuilding the dam.
Harley takes his job as navigator and security guard very seriously but he makes sure he gets plenty of rest in between jobs.
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